This short article really got my attention. (Sorry, but this whole Michael Jackson thing has captured my attention.) The article says that Jackson was requesting the IV drug propofol for sleep. I know about this drug because I deal with it all the time. We use this drug for patients who are on ventilators. It is a very powerful sedative which renders a patient unconscious while the ventilator breathes for them. I could not imagine ever administering this drug to a patient without a secured airway. To do so is medical malpractice, as simple as that. You could easily put someone in respiratory arrest with this drug. I don't know if this is what caused Jackson's death, but he obviously was dabbling in (and had knowledge of and access to) some heavy duty drugs, judging by this article. I'll be curious to see if this drug shows up on the toxicology results. It might not because it's metabolized quickly, meaning it doesn't stay in the blood stream very long. But ...