A New Sandbox

I think the spring colds are finally winding down around here. Beth was hit especially hard, even missed a day of work. A lot of mucus has been produced within the confines of our humble abode over the last week. (I know you wanted to know that.) So today, as everyone is starting to feel a bit better, I decided to get a little project done before I have to head back to work again. We've been talking over ideas with what to do with the playset... what kind of landscaping to do, what we should add to it... and we've decided a sandbox would be an excellent idea. Grandpa Dau supplied us with a big tractor tire (all good sandboxes have a tractor tire, you know) so today I decided to trek to Menard's, buy the necessary supplies, build the frame and put the sandbox in its place. I'm no Bob Villa, but it turned out not so shitty. All that's left is to fill 'er up with sand. Lots of sand. First step was to find the right location. After much ...