Goodbye November...

It is time I update, in case some of you think I've fallen off the face of the earth. I don't think that would be possible with gravity and all, but you never know. We enjoyed an extended weekend at the Bismarck Baumann's over Thanksgiving. The weather wasn't the friendliest on the way to Bismarck. The last 220 miles (give or take) looked like this, a snapshot Beth took with her phone: Interstate 94, somewhere between Fargo and Bismarck, ND. Yes, that is a car about 200 feet in front of us. I was thankful that is wasn't snowing, just windy. If it had been snowing even a moderate amount, the interstate would have been impossible to navigate. It is no wonder why the highway patrol closes down the freeway when major winter storms hit. Luckily it was a fairly uneventful trip, except for Ava's usual carsickness. She only puked once and it was successfully retrieved in the proper receptacle. No problem, just a quick stop in Hawley to...