Walmart Story #305

I knew it's going to be an adventurous day when I saw this... The short bus was parked in front of my favorite hang out. Yee-haw! Okay, so I'm not exactly what you'd call politically correct, although I've usually got a pretty good filter. The problem, as I see it, is we live in an ultra-sensitive, entitled society which has made us into a country overflowing with lazy, thin-skinned crybabies. That's strictly my opinion and it's probably an unpopular one, but the truth hurts. I'm saying all of this because today I had to go to Walmart. And it's never pretty when I go to Walmart. However, today I tried to adopt the perspective of my niece, Stacy, who said recently (on Facebook) that she loved Walmart because it "displays an array of unique beautiful individuals of God's creation." Stacy is a good, kind soul. She's also an ordained minister and I'm very proud of her and her accomplishments. But my faith in the hum...