I'm Not Protected
Being a dad is a reciprocal thing. I teach my children well their father's hell (to borrow a line from an old song) and they, in turn, teach me. A delightful aspect of having Tax Deductions is they tell you the truth. They don't filter anything. "Dad, you smell bad." "Dad, you look nice." "Dad, you need to shave." "Dad, you have a booger on your chin." I appreciate the truth. I like to be told how it is. This is true in all aspects of my life; I dislike political correctness with a passion. Over the years, Americans have hidden Truth (with an intentional capital "T") behind a wall of euphemisms and it is partly the reason why our country is in its current condition. It has made us soft as a people. We no longer face issues head-on. The raw, naked truth hurts. And Americans don't like to hear the truth. Fat people are no longer fat. They are "metabolically challenged." Ug...