The Mystery of Samuel Gray... Solved at Last!

When I was a kid, I remember looking through an old photo album that my parents used to have. The pictures inside were black and white, full of unfamiliar faces. One picture in particular always stood out to me and I often wondered who in the world that distinguished looking man was. The picture was obviously taken in a professional studio. The man didn't have the rugged looks of a laborer or a farmer. He had a thick mustache and heavy eyebrows under a nearly entirely bald head. He appeared comfortable in a suit. He looked, for lack of a better word, wealthy . All I knew was his name. Written below the picture, in neat but unfamiliar handwriting, was "Samuel Gray." Samuel Gray I remember asking Mom if I was named after him, but she said no, I wasn't. She knew this was a relative on Dad's side of the family and the picture was very old, and my dad really never said much about the picture. Well, thanks to some rather relentle...