The Darkness

It has been a stressful couple of days here in my neck o' the woods. On Sunday evening we had the worst storm we've experienced in 14 years of living here. More on that, including all the ugly pictures, in a later post. The important thing is we are all safe, just "stuff" was lost and damaged. Mother Nature is a vindictive old bitch and she knocked us to the canvas for a couple seconds, but we bounced right up, came in swinging and jabbed her right back in the chops. Take that, you crabby old heifer. On a lighter side of things, I made one of my semi-annual pilgrimages to The Darkness (commonly called "Walmart") on Sunday before the wind blew and the trees twisted through the air. The Darkness did not disappoint in amusing me. A reminder, the date was July 12th, not August 12th. I am guessing we will see Christmas decor out in a couple of weeks. After all, we only have 23 more Thursdays till Christmas (yep, look it up!) The Girl's reaction to this s...