Coffee Crapulence

It all started a couple of days ago when I read an article speculating coffee prices were going to skyrocket in the coming months (there are a number of reasons for this price hike, but for the sake of humanity, I won't go there). While the article did not predict how high the prices would soar, the author used the word "significant." Since then, I've been thinking about something and I suppose I'm little morbid for even broaching this squeamish thought. Like everyone else, I'm a creature of habit. And one of the worst the worst habit I have is drinking coffee. Actually, let's call it what it is: an addiction. I've said to the Speaker of the House more than once that if I was forced to make a choice, I would stop imbibing in my favorite barley and hops beverage for life before I would cease my coffee intake. It is something I simply can't live without. But how much am I willing to pay for this bean of the gods? And how much money woul...