To Knee or Not to Knee?

I don't know which is harder to believe... that it has been four months since my last confession or that in 2009, I made 156 of these blog entries. There was a time when I couldn't wait to sit down and write about something. Now it is just so much easier to post a thought on Facebook or Twitter and be done with it rather than sit down and actually write an organized, well thought-out piece. Unfortunately, social media sites have become frothing-at-the-mouth political hotbeds. One must not even make a joke about something for fear offending or angering a friend or relative (or complete stranger). I have found it is much safer to keep my thoughts to myself (it is not as though I do not have an opinion!). Social media sites have become little more than arenas for folks to throw verbal barbs at one another, rather than engaging in intelligent discourse or debate. Everyone must prove their "rightness." No one is willing to listen to the other side. The older I get, the...