The Little Known Story of The Free Republic of Franklin

I've always loved useless knowledge. Trivial stuff. Interesting facts that really don't mean a whole lot in the big picture. This little quirk about me isn't always a good thing. I found history so interesting that my first college degree was a BA in American history. Basically, I went to college for fun (a rather expensive way to have a good time, by the way). Two other degrees followed. And no, I'm not boasting. On the contrary, I am embarrassed by the fact I had no focus or direction when I was younger. I wasted a lot time, energy and tuition just floating down the river of books and term papers. So that's my story. Once upon a time my mind traveled "any way the wind blows," to lift a line from a song. As I've gotten older, I am much more focused , but I still love useless knowledge. I guess it is in my DNA. But history has always intrigued me, especially quirky bits of history. Since you are reading my blog, I know you're smart and you might h...