Presidents Day

Happy Presidents Day, everybody! I am sure you are all excited about it. I kind of smirk a little when I think that we "celebrate" a day honoring our Presidents. Not that I think it is a bad thing, but we all know it is just an excuse for government employees to get a three-day weekend. I would feel a little better about it if more than 10% of American citizens could name the first seven Presidents without consulting a resource. I am willing to bet $1,000 right here, right now that if you randomly went up to 100 people on the street tomorrow, no more than 10 of those 100 could name the first seven Presidents off the tops of their heads. They wouldn't even have to name them in chronological order, just name the first seven.

...Screw it, I'll up my ante to $100,000. Any takers?

I got an e-mail from my brother Dale, and I thought I had better clarify something in my last blog, which I now realize could have been easily misunderstood: Bethany is NOT pregnant! When I got word that Tissy's cancer was in remission, it was the best news I've had since the summer of 2005, when I found out Bethany was pregnant. (I probably should have worded it that way!). Sorry for the mix up. We do hope we will have some good news for you later this year, though, but not right now.

We just got home from Grandma and Grandpa's place. We had supper and a birthday cake for Ava. Got home abut 45 minutes ago -- it is very cold out, 8 below zero when we pulled into the driveway. I didn't get a lot of sleep today, but I am done with my stretch of work. This week was just awful, but I won't bother going into details. I truly need the break just to get a little sanity back. But I do have to share something that happened at work last night that is just too funny not to mention: It is positively hilarious when a 425 pound blob of human flesh (strongly resembling Jabba the Hut, by the way) looks at you with a straight face and commands you, their servant-nurse-bitch, "Lift me up."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Perhaps some readers will think I sound callous. I guess you'll just have to get over it.

Other readers may feel that nurses get paid too much. Piss on you. I pity your ignorance.

God Almighty, I need a drink. Make that two.

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