Happy Birthday to You!

First I would like to wish a very happy birthday to my two "big sisters," Kathy and Mel. They share the same birthday; how is that for coincidence? At least it makes it easy to remember! I hope they had a special day; they are two great ladies and I am proud to call them family. They say behind every good man is a better woman. I think that's true, and I bet my brothers would agree with me!

I think it was Beth's aunt Suzette's birthday yesterday. Happy birthday, Suzette! I don't know if you read this, but just in case you do... I hope your day was a good one!

We are 72 hours and counting to concert time. Man, I can't wait! Not only do Beth and I have the concert to look forward to, but we both have the entire week off together. That's the first time since 2005 that we've had this much time off together at one time. Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for watching Ava on Tuesday and Wednesday so we can have a little "us" time. Some times you can lose sight of that, especially when you have a little one (or more).

Of course yesterday I woke up with a scratchy throat and congested chest. Beth had the same thing a day before me. We've been sleeping with a Vick's vaporizer running, taking cold medicine, plus I've been pounding zinc lozenges and I think it is making a difference. Those things don't taste the greatest, but I think they do make you feel better faster. Heck, I feel better tonight than I did last night. And there is NO WAY we are going to be sick next week. We are going to will ourselves into feeling better. Actually, Beth said she was feeling better too, so we should be good to go by Tuesday. Ava has already been sick this week; a runny nose and sneeze that lasted 2 or 3 days. I am sure we got it from her. She's acting back to normal too.

Better get ready for work. Two more nights. This has been just a crappy week. We are so busy and we don't have enough staff for our weekend rotation. It makes a hard job even tougher. I know I should complain because I've got a job, and it does pay well... hell, I used to work in a steel mill for $5.25 an hour and the only thing I've got to show for it is one less finger on my right hand. I guess it is perspective time. ...But since when am I Polly Anna? Screw it, it has been a crap week.

I've been watching a lot of college basketball lately. The Gophers had an incredible win last night with 1.5 seconds remaining. I was listening to it on WCCO radio while driving to work. I thought somebody was killing the announcer. I knew something good happened, but I couldn't tell what. I wish I could hear a replay of that last few seconds again: "IT'S IN! IT'S IN! IT'S IN! OH MY GOD! YYYYEEEESSSS!!!!!" Dude, what's in? It was hilarious!

Okay, time for work.

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