Tee Shirts

It's been about a week since I've written anything. Not sure if very many people read this anyway, but I'll jot down a few things.

We got Martha's lab results back and the vet did not have an "ah-ha!" moment. Everything looked normal, so now we're back to head-scratching mode. Martha's on a trial run of Rimadyl right now, an anti-inflammatory which our other boxer Gracie is already on for an arthritic leg. The stuff isn't cheap, but it works well for Grace. It hasn't done anything for Martha and I didn't think it would. I think it was just a "Let's see if it works" idea from the vet. The next plan will be to try Martha on a tapering does of prednisone. I think this is also just a shot in the dark, but I am willing to give it a try.

Our last resort would be to get a consult with an animal neurologist at the U of M. But I think Beth and I have already decided that we won't go that direction. First of all, we would put Martha through so much stress, with all of the testing that I know they'd do on her, plus the travel to the Cities (she doesn't travel very well)... I am sure they'll do a CT scan of her body, possibly an MRI, certainly more blood tests, neurological tests... and at what expense? I couldn't even venture a guess. On top of it all, there will be no guarantee of a diagnosis (just like human neurology); at best it will be an educated guess, unless they find a tumor in her brain, and quite honestly, I would just as soon not know. I sure wish that ol' dog could tell me if her leg was numb or if it tingled, or what kind of sensation she was having. Otherwise, she's as happy-go-lucky as can be. She most certainly isn't in any pain, she's still sharp as a tack and she can still chase chipmunks with as much enthusiasm as when she was younger (just not quite as graceful). We will just take it one day at a time and enjoy her company everyday.

Okay, enough about that depressing subject.

Over this past weekend I am completed the design for the next Farm Fest tee shirt. I got an e-mail from Brandy last Thursday asking if we were going to do tee shirts again this year, and to tell the truth I hadn't really even thought about it. But I think everyone enjoys the shirts and a lot of people order them, so I said yes, we should definitely do shirts again. In a burst of inspiration, I went from absolutely nothing on Thursday to a completed design (front and back) by Sunday, and I am very proud of what I came up with! The artwork and design is entirely original and I have to admit that I even surprised myself. Okay, I sound like I am boasting here, so I'll knock if off, but I think this is the best idea I have had for the Farm Fest tee shirt.

I will send the idea to Brandy early this week and she is in charge of tee shirt colors and styles and getting the whole project ordered & organized... I think we work pretty good together as a team, especially since I have the fun part and she's got the hard part! We have to have everything done by the end of June because I am going to start working on the Farm Fest invitations soon and we will be sending an order form with the invites. It will be August before we know it.

I hope to get some yard projects done this week. HOPE is the key word. Depends on the weather. We are going to Fargo on Thursday. We're meeting Jon, Sara and Nora at a hotel waterpark and spending the night there. I think we're going to the zoo on Friday morning. That should be a lot of fun.

Time to go to Fleet Farm and wherever else we need to go. That's all for now.

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