The Magical Oil Fairy

This morning on my way home from work, I noticed gas was $1.84 per gallon.

Tonight it is $1.79 per gallon.

Just a couple months ago gasoline was almost $4.oo per gallon here in Baxter.

In just two or three months, the price of gas has fallen over 55%. How can that possibly be?

I thought oil was a "quickly vanishing natural resource," which was part of the reason gas prices were so high.

I thought another part of the problem was because hurricanes destroyed two or three major oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico late last summer. We were told it could take years to rebuild after such a disaster, and thus the price of gas would remain very high, because the ability to produce enough oil had been greatly reduced.

And now, very quickly and very mysteriously, everything has gotten better.

Know what? I bet a magical oil fairy has come along and sprinkled pixie dust on all the fat oil companies. And through some kind of enchanting spell, oil prices have plummeted.

Know what else? I bet the magical oil fairy lives in Barack Obama's breast pocket.


You say that sounds ridiculous?

Okay, do you have a better explanation?

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