Twenty below and counting

Holy crap, is it ever COLD.

My thermometer, which is usually pretty accurate, reads -20 degrees right now. It is supposed to get even colder before morning. I took the garbage out to the street earlier this evening and it was absolutely painful. I suppose it wouldn't have been so bad if I would have put on a coat and shoes, but I figured a quick job like that would require just a tee shirt and sandals. Yeah, that was pretty stupid. Now that I think about it, I am glad Ava didn't lock me out of the house. Oofdah!! Not one of my brighter moments.

I am not sure how much snow we got yesterday. My best guess is 8 to 9 inches. I thought we would get even more the way the weatherman talked, but it's a pretty good start to the winter season. Remember, winter doesn't even start until next Sunday. And then, my friends, the days start getting L O N G E R again. There is hope on the horizon!

So here I sit waiting for the phone to ring; I took Beth to work today because it was so cold, and she should be wrapping things up pretty soon.

Tonight I start a long stretch of work. I will be at the hospital 10 out of the next 11 nights. The stretch finally ends at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, December 26th. Something tells me I will be blogging every now and then just to keep my sanity, and to remind me what day it is. When you work that many in a row, days just blend together after while.

So come back again, I am sure I'll have a whole lot to say about nothing... but that's never stopped me from blabbing before.

Beth just called, so it is time to brave the cold!

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