Moon This!
So I woke up this morning, looked out the window and there I saw gray and rain. Yes!

Pardon me, but all I have to say is WHOOPTY-FRICKIN'-DO!
Okay, so why all the sudden interest in the moon again? We went there in 1969 and returned six more times only to come the same conclusion: this place blows this place is pretty dull. The last time we were there was 1972. Now the moon is really interesting again. And it's costing us how much? Hundreds of millions of dollars... meanwhile school programs are being cut?
Maybe it's just me, but I think this is a disgraceful waste of resources, time and tax payer dollars. Does anyone truly think colonization of the moon is feasible, other than a handful of scientists? Hell, most of North Dakota hasn't been colonized yet, why don't we start there? (Don't believe me? Try driving between Fargo and Bismarck. I rest my case.).
Don't misunderstand me, I'm one of the moon's biggest fans. I love looking at it and keeping track of its phases, and it has inspired all kinds of lovely songs, like "Moon River", "Fly Me to the Moon", "Bark at the Moon", and "Walking on the Moon", but living there just does not sound like a swingin' time, baby.
And don't get me started on Mars, I just might have a stroke.
Alright, I told you how I really feel. I feel better now. Hey, it's my blog and I can rant if I want to.
It's Friday 13th, which means all the toilet seats get replaced at my house. It's a strange tradition, I know. But this morning I spent a half hour installing shiny new toilet seats in both bathrooms. They look nice. You'll have to take my word for it.
I suppose there's not much else to talk about. This moon stuff pisses me off, and I just had to get it off my chest.
Mission accomplished.