Pastry Break

It's Friday and it's the work weekend.  Beth and I just hate the work weekend.  It means little sleep at home and increased stress at work (because of skeletal staffing) for both of us.  The only good thing about the work weekend is that it doesn't last forever.

There is a new place in town called "Daylight Donuts" and it is just what the doctor ordered.  You see, I have an unbelievable weakness for pastries and this place frickin' rocks.  I must limit myself to one visit per week.  This town needed a donut place and now it has got one.  I hope they stick around for a while.  Seems like businesses come and go like the seasons around here.

It has been a gloomy three or four days here.  Gray, cloudy, foggy and rain, rain, rain.  I was listening to the weather forecast the other night and they said if it was 15 degrees colder, we would have well over half a foot of snow right now.  Maybe this was our annual March blizzard, manifesting itself in the form of spring showers?  Guess we will see.

Really not much to talk about, just checking in...

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