Sunday Night Again...
The weekend is winding down. We got some rain yesterday, which is really going to help things green up around here. Maybe now I can make a little campfire some evening without worrying about burning the whole neighborhood down? I reserved a camp site at the Gull Lake Recreation Area the weekend of May 15th. Kampens will also be there. Let the camping season begin!!! My girlfriend and I are escaping to Duluth on Thursday for a couple of days. I just can't wait. Grandma D. is watching our monkeys while we're gone, which we are so grateful for. Ava has been so good this weekend that it is almost frightening. I wonder what is wrong with her?! I think being able to get outside and burn energy has really helped. Well, we have to make a big decision this week -- a decision that could change everything in our little corner of the world. Can't say what it is right now, other than it is a good thing. (And no, we haven'...