Beautiful Morning!

What a relaxing, beautiful morning.  Dropped Ava off at school, Neil laid down for a nap... so Beth and I sat outside and enjoyed some fresh Starbucks and listened to the horny birds fight with each other.  Yes, it is that time of year alright.

I noticed that I recently surpassed 10,000 visitors to my blog since October 2008.  Wow, that's pretty awesome!

I am thinking we are going to give the camper a good scrubbing today and pop it open for some spring cleaning.  I have got the itch to go camping sooner rather than later.  We only used the camper twice last summer.  No excuses this year!

I am feeling pretty good today; still a little sore, but not bad at all.  Thought about posting pictures of my stitches, but I guess that would violate some kind of decency code.  

Time to go enjoy some more sunshine.  I'd like to start some yard work, but I'm not supposed to get too carried away quite yet.  Hard not to do when we've got weather like this.

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