Unexpected Night Off!

I got a very unexpected night off last night.  I signed up to stay home if the patient census was low and I got that magical phone call asking me if I wanted to do just that.  Oh happy day night!  It worked out well because Beth picked up today for a co-worker whose father is very sick, so I would have gone on little sleep today.  I guess everything has a way of working itself out.

I downloaded Brian Ray's new album "This Way Up" last night.  It is excellent!  I posted a comment on Facebook telling him so and he actually took the time to respond to it.  How cool is that?  I took a screenshot to share with you:

That's pretty awesome, if you ask me.  You can find the album right here.  I would highly recommend it as well as his first release "Mondo Magneto."  Both are terrific, guitars and drums rock-n-roll.  Real people playing real instruments; musicians who have worked their way through the trenches to get where they are today and didn't win some lame-ass popularity contest singing karaoke on t.v.

Do I have my own opinions?  Nah.

I forgot to mention in my last blog that Ava had her first trip to the dentist on August 5th.  No cavities!  She was pretty excited even though she didn't know what that really meant.  The purple princess toothbrush she got from the dentist was a much bigger deal.

I've started making my Farm Fest list.  Eight days and counting!  I've completed my Halloween costume for the party Thursday night.  Beth has hers as well and it is pretty darn funny!  It is going to be a blast and so far it looks like the weather is going to cooperate all weekend long.

Speaking of weather, I am sick of this sauna-like rut we've been in.  The dew point was 68 degrees at 10:00 a.m.  Storms have blown through -- lots of rain -- and it stays hot and humid.  Yuck.  Thank goodness for central air.

Oh well, give me three months and I'll be bitching about the cold and snow.  No, I'm never happy.

That's all for now...

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