Ode To a Cover

I stumbled upon a few wonderful web sites celebrating the days of LP albums and their fantastic covers.  As we progress more and more to digital music, the LP album cover is becoming very much a lost and forgotten art, but there are some good people out there determined to keep the memory alive.

Here are some good ones I found.  I've got a feeling I'll be posting many more in the future.

The Yiddish Version of Buddy Holly?  I think so.

Nancy Sit.  Nancy beg.  Nancy roll over. (Good, girl Nancy.)  From Singapore...

This is especially cool to me, because my dad once told me I was named after Sammy Kaye, the big band leader.  I don't know if he meant that as a joke or if he was serious.  I guess I'll never know, but here is Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra anyway!

 Kickin' it with Franck.  But Sinatra he is not.

Yvonne sings "Let's Go Gay".  Lost in translation, perhaps?

In that deep, dark place in the pit of my soul, I really want to hear this record... rock on, Shirley.

This is actually a pretty cool cover, considering this was in the days long before computer-generated graphics.  Everybody polka with Lil' Wally - who is in no way related to Lil' Wayne or Lil' Kim.

Pretty damn big, I'd say...

We'll end with a little gospel.  I'm reasonably sure the mother and father must have had sex at least four times, but I really don't want to think about that right now.  I also don't want to think about the pink shirts and white ties.  Man, this is just wrong.

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