Quick Hello!

Yes, I'm still alive.  Limping through another work weekend, but it is almost over.  Rumor has it we are supposed to get some snow over the next couple of days.  I'm still waiting for that huge blizzard; hasn't happened yet.  At least, not here... or not what I would call a blizzard.  And it's my blog, so I can call it what I want, right?

There's not a huge amount going down in this neck of the woods.  Hitting the mid-winter lull, I think.  Kids are stir crazy.  We all have cabin fever, or just a fever, depending on the day of the week.  We've all been sicker this year than any year in recent memory.  Colds, sniffles, coughs.  We all get better, then the process starts all over again.  Just think of the antibodies we're building, though!  Gotta stay positive, Sam.

We are getting together with Dale, Mel, Bob and Kathy on the weekend of February 19th.  We haven't seen each other in months, so that's really going to be nice to get together.  I'm sure we'll also get the date for Farm Fest put on the calendar then, too.

We bought all new appliances for the house earlier this month and they are going to be delivered on the 25th.  We're excited about that!  I have an electrician coming in on Friday to install the proper service for an electric range.  Beth doesn't like natural gas (especially when I eat Mexican), so we are switching.  All I've got to do is disconnect the gas range and Sears will do the rest.  I hope I can do it without blowing up the damn place.  It looks easy, but we'll see.

I'll be sure to post before and after pictures.  My bride has waited a long time for a new dishwasher (ours hasn't worked right for a year), an electric range (our oven hasn't worked for two months), a new fridge (our old one leaks), a new washer and dryer (our old one has already been repaired once) .  I admit we're long overdue for an upgrade, so yeah, we're getting the whole darn thing.  Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day all mashed together in a big, beautiful pile. 

That's how I roll.

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