Another Visitor!

If you snooze, ya lose.  I was taking a nap (working the night shift has many drawbacks) when a new friend came to visit us late this afternoon.

Beth took this picture.  The owl was just outside our house, perched very high in a jack pine.  Part of the soffit of the house is in the picture because he was up so high, but you can still see him clearly.  Beth said he was absolutely enormous.  Sorry I missed it.

This is not a Barred Owl like our previous visitor.  The Barred Owl had a round head and dark, soft eyes.  This guy is undoubtedly a Great Horned Owl.  Notice the huge tufts ("horns") on either side of his head and the intimidating, pissed-off look on his face.

We've lived here for 10 years and we've never seen owls before.  This winter, we've seen two different species (only three species live in Minnesota!).  Why the influx?  I don't know, but it sure is cool!

Okay, Mr. Great Horned Owl, go get that bastard Pomeranian that lives next door.  He'd make a delicious snack.  Heeeeeere Calvin....

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