Murphy's Law Hard at Work
Experiencing a bit of Murphy's Law right now. Nothing going on this morning and the perfect opportunity to sleep in. Went to bed relatively early and my son decides this is not a good night to sleep. Awake at 1:30. Let him cry and cry. Finally back to sleep by 2:00 AM. Awake again at 4:30; this time he only cries for about five minutes and right back to sleep... Except now I'm wide awake. I don't think that boy has ever slept through the night. Not sure what we've done wrong. Ava didn't have this problem. So I laid in bed until 5:00 AM and now I'm up and at 'em. Sort of. Three more hours of sleep would have been wonderful. I'm afraid it's going to be a long day. On the positive side, my sore throat seems to have finally exited the building. It lasted three weeks. It seems almost strange to swallow and not experience pain. But I can live with it. I've reserved today to go birthday shopping for m...