Murphy's Law Hard at Work

Experiencing a bit of Murphy's Law right now.  Nothing going on this morning and the perfect opportunity to sleep in.  Went to bed relatively early and my son decides this is not a good night to sleep.  Awake at 1:30.  Let him cry and cry.  Finally back to sleep by 2:00 AM.  Awake again at 4:30; this time he only cries for about five minutes and right back to sleep...

Except now I'm wide awake.

I don't think that boy has ever slept through the night.  Not sure what we've done wrong.  Ava didn't have this problem.

So I laid in bed until 5:00 AM and now I'm up and at 'em.  Sort of.  Three more hours of sleep would have been wonderful.  I'm afraid it's going to be a long day.

On the positive side, my sore throat seems to have finally exited the building.  It lasted three weeks.  It seems almost strange to swallow and not experience pain.  But I can live with it.

I've reserved today to go birthday shopping for my dearly beloved.  Beth's birthday is May 1st.  Of course, she informed me last night that we have "no extra money" to spend right now.  Funny, she said EXACTLY the same thing last year (oh yes, I remember) and I felt so guilty that I didn't get her what I really wanted to.  Sorry dear, that strategy simply is not going to work this year.

It hardly bears mentioning that it snowed all day yesterday.  I mean, it snowed hard for about six hours.  Luckily the ground is warm and nothing accumulated.  If it had, I am guessing we would've gotten three or four inches of that white shit.  Yeah, I said shit.  Shit, Shit, SHIT.  I'm sick of it!!

I've heard some people say that this is very unusual weather - that the end is near - the whole 2012 end-of-the-Mayan-calendar myth garbage.  My wife reminds me every year that there was a blizzard on her 21st birthday.  No one was talking about the end of the world then.  It was just a fluke snowstorm on May 1st.  Now it's Armageddon.  Lighten up, folks.


Okay, time for me to rant.  Have you seen those stupid 5 Hour Energy drink commercials?  "Who has got time for coffee?  It takes TIME to brew coffee."  Are we really in that big of a hurry these days that we can't even wait five minutes for a pot of coffee to brew?  I'm not, but I know a lot of people are.  And they just don't get it.

There's even a product called Colon Flow which helps you crap faster so you don't have to wait around for the fact:
The above image is a screen shot of their home page: a hot looking chick doing yoga next to a waterfall.  Nice touch.  Doesn't the image tell you, "Pooping not only feels good, it is good for  you."

Who are they fooling?  For crying out loud, they call their product "Colon Flow," which is not exactly subtle.  Why not have a picture of some crabby old man sitting on the throne with a vein popping out of his forehead?  Let's just cut to the chase, shall we? 

But back to 5 Hour Energy, because I hate them for hating coffee.  Apparently the company is in such a frickin' hurry, they forgot to check their grammar.  This is a screen shot from one of their commercials online (I've NOT doctored this at all, this is verbatim from their site):

Do you see the error?  AAARGH!  This just completely makes my head explode.  I wonder if my niece Brandy reads my blog?  I honestly don't know if she does, but this would be an excellent example of piss poor grammar in advertising she could show to her class (she's an English teacher).

If this is all the care 5 Hour Energy puts into their advertising, I don't even want to know what they put into their drinks.

The sad part is poor grammar and spelling are so common these days - and so accepted in our society - many most people won't even recognize the grammatical mistake.  But (in my world) that does not make it okay.

I'm not hard to get along with, but there are just a few things in my world that are not okay:  Poor grammar, incorrect spelling, singing or playing an instrument out of tune, and vomiting at the table when you're a guest in someone's house.  Those things are never okay.  These are my rules.

Everything else can be compromised.

And I really should have gotten more sleep.

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