The "N" in Autumn...

Time for a bit of a facelift, huh?  I guess it's my way of celebrating my favorite time of year, Autumn - although I've never figured out why there's an "n" in Autumn.  Sort of like that stupid "n" in damn.


Well, I gone and done it.  I am the happy owner of a new truck.  Thanks to Dan's of Big Lake for getting us an outstanding interest rate on our loan and for a smooth-n-easy purchase.  I'll kind of miss the old Camry, though.  It was a terrific car, much like my Tercel.  Truth is, I've never owned a Toyota I didn't like, but I've also grown partial to Hondas.  And for those who think I'm a rat fink for not buying an American product, only 10% of my vehicle has "foreign parts content," which came from Japan, the rest is from U.S. and Canada.

Gosh, there's really not much to yack about right now.  Ava is really enjoying kindergarten.  What a difference a year has made for her.  I think the new, structured environment she is now a part of has done wonders for her.  She was reciting a little song for me yesterday:

Eyes straight ahead, standing nice and tall
Hands at my side, I'm ready for the hall.

Seig Heil!!  Crack the whip, teacher!  But that's okay, that is exactly what my daughter needs.  And she's obviously listening.  The other day she looked at me and said, "Do we put our pencils in our nose, straight up our nostrils?  No."

Sorry, I think it's funny.

Time to awaken the beast boy.  He was up at 5 AM ready to tackle the day and conked out by 10 AM.  Not a good routine to get into.

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