Early Morning

Neil woke me up again at 3:40 AM (the kid has an internal alarm clock).  He quietly pads into our room and flops on top of me every night/morning at the same time.  He is freezing cold, so I am thinking he wakes up because of that reason.

I put him back to bed right away, tuck him in and he falls asleep very quickly.

But I am not blessed with the ability to easily fall back asleep once I wake up.  In fact, once I'm up, I'm usually up for the day.

So I started writing this entry this morning complaining about my lack of sleep.  But I found myself hitting the delete key.  Some times you've got to look at things differently.

So here I sit on my couch on this chilly late-October morning trying to change my crappy attitude.  I've brewed a pot of strong really strong so-strong-it-is-illegal-in-the-State-of-California coffee (which will do wonders in changing said attitude).  The house is quietly sleeping.  And I'm finding some time to write.

Therefore I won't complain about being tired.  I won't bitch about getting woke up too early.  I won't be that crabby-ass, sleep deprived dad.

Instead, I'll enjoy these few moments of quiet time I have alone.  I'll enjoy the peace of the early morning.  I hear a train in the distance - I love that sound (just like that wonderful Paul Simon song).

Indeed, my goal today is to smile and not be an asshole.

And I'm pretty sure I can't do it.

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