Christmas Break

In what is becoming more and more a bi-monthly update to my blog, I guess I will get up to snuff here for anyone left out there who actually reads this...

We spent Christmas weekend in Bismarck, hosted by the Baumann's.  Lots of good food, good drink and good conversation.  The weather was ridiculously warm.  There was not a flake of snow on the ground between our place and their place.  The keywords were Brown and Drab.  You always worry about driving conditions in mid-December in this neck of the woods, but not this year.  It couldn't have been more perfect - even if it was a little strange.

And so it remains.  We are 72 hours away from the New Year and we don't have a single, solitary whiff of snow.  What very little that has fallen has quickly melted because the temperatures have been above freezing.  I just looked at the 15 day forecast through the first part of January and the majority of forecasted highs are in the mid-to-upper 30s.  January and February are the "deep freeze" months.  It is weird.  Very weird.

We had the chance to watch the movie The Social Network on Monday night.  I know, I know... the movie has been out for ages, I'm not exactly on the cutting edge of cinema science.... but it was an interesting film.  It was about the guy who created Facebook.  He's the world's youngest billionaire now.  Makes me really wish I had the kind of brains that could make me money.  Well, maybe I do.  I'm just lazy.  But that's my choice.  And money just leads to trouble, as the film shows.

So who needs money, right?!  (okay, who am I fooling?)

So 2011 comes to a close... this could be my last post of the year, so I wish anyone reading this a happy and healthy new year.  I flirted with the idea of closing my blog at the end of year, simply because I just don't get around to updating the way I'd like to.  I'm not the kind of person who is okay with doing things half-assed.  But I'm sure I'd miss jotting down my thoughts from time to time.

Maybe my goal for the new year should be to blog weekly.  That's a pretty realistic goal - and if I update more than that, all the better.  Hmmmm... something worth thinking about.

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