Where Art Thou? Right Here!

Is anybody out there?  Hmmmm....

Anyway, just in case anyone might stop by, here's a little update.  I guess it's been something like three months since I've written anything.  I could be just talking to myself...

...which I do pretty often.

I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook.  I saw an old post of mine, going back to 2009, where I compared Facebook to Wal-Mart.  It's the place everyone complains about, but everyone goes to anyway.

That's pretty accurate, if I don't say so myself.

I see so many dumb things on Facebook.  So many things that just make me shake my head.  The most recent was the following, posted and re-posted all over Facebook as a fact:

No, it's not real.

It's an obvious forgery.  It's ludicrous.  But too many people think that if it is on Facebook, it's gotta be true.

No thinking allowed, folks.  It seems to be the American way.

But Facebook is also a great asset because it allows me to keep in touch with folks I haven't seen in years.  In many cases, I can stay in touch with people who may have otherwise just faded away in my life story.

In the end, I'm just not sure what to think of it.  And I always gravitate back to blogging, even though my entries here are so few and far between that I've pretty much lost my audience.

Such is life.

Anyway, what has happened lately?

On January 23rd, we lost a member of our family.  Our beloved boxer, Grace, succumbed to lymphoma.  The last few weeks were difficult.

In her final week, she stopped eating completely and refused water; she only licked snow when she was let outside; that little bit of fluid was all that was keeping her alive.

It was an agonizing decision, but we helped her cross the Rainbow Bridge on a cold Wednesday.

Gracie Lou, 2001-2013.  The world's most wonderful companion.  This picture was taken shortly before she became sick.
We had Grace cremated.  She's now home where she belongs.  Some people would say it's silly to cremate a pet.  But she was more than that: she was a dear friend.

Ava told me yesterday, "Dad, it's lonely here without Grace."  Indeed, it is.

So we are taking a break from dogs for now, although the pressure is already mounting.  Ava keeps asking to count the money in her piggy bank to see if she has enough to buy a new dog.

She also wants to donate to our local animal shelter so "the dogs don't starve."

It is actually very cute.  She is turning into a very good kid, although I guess I'm a little biased.


I have the day off today and I'm just hanging with my boy... Mini-Me, so to speak.

Then on-call for the weekend.

Until next time....

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