A New Start on Old Habits
I've heard it said that people look forward to the new year as a new start on old habits. That pretty much sums up the notorious "New Year's Resolution." When the calendar says January 1st, we are programmed to think our old habits, alive and well on December 31st, will magically disappear into the ether at midnight. We believe we will suddenly turn everything around and become thinner, healthier, smarter... And for some reason, we really believe it will happen . Funnier still, we get fooled every single year... for about six days. Then we fall right back to the old routine. Indeed, a new start to old habits. So as 2013 fades into history, what does the new year hold in store for us? If we're lucky, another 365 days. Time to keep it real. What are my realistic resolutions for the new year? I resolve to... 1. Start washing my hands almost every time after I go to the bathroom. 2. Stop using the word f**k as a verb/adjective/noun in e...