O, Holy Night!
It was stupid cold this morning. When I took the Girl to school, I did the ol' nares test and it came back positive.* That's never a good sign.
The temperature this morning on my trusty Springfield PreciseTemp was something like -15* F, although it hardly matters. Once it is below zero, anything more is just a number to make it even more stupid than it already is.
So the Girl had her second grade Christmas program last evening, called "Hurray for Christmas!" A cute 30 minute production. She is very animated when she performs and she seems to love the stage. Let's just say she's very enthusiastic when it comes to music.
I cannot imagine where she gets that from.
With my little troupe there is always a story. And last night was no exception.
We (the Wife, the Boy and myself) settled into our seats in the gymnasium for the program. It was elbow-to-elbow people, but everyone was in the holiday spirit fighting over the best seats for the best camera angles for their smartphones.
The Boy made himself comfortable by sitting in my lap. Before long, we noticed he wasn't acting himself. In fact, he was ghastly pale.
"Are you okay?" the Wife asked the Boy.
The belch came first, followed by eggnog-looking stomach contents projecting from the Boy's oral cavity.
Quick as a flash, the Wife slapped a hand over his mouth and dashed away, dashed away, dashed away to the bathroom... Boy under arm, and vomitus dripping like a melting icicle.
O, holy night.
Thirty minutes later the Wife reappeared with a still-pale looking Boy. The program was over and we quickly exited, stage left. We even had to skip Santa, who made an appearance in the cafeteria after the show.
Total, complete buzzkill.
Little brothers.
The sad news is the Wife missed most of the program. The good news is the Boy made a very quick recovery, ate a big breakfast this morning and acts as if nothing happened today.
The coats are washed (he puked on them). The gloves and hats are washed (he also puked on them). And the car seat cover is washed (he puked on the way home, too).
Now if I could just get the acrid stench of barf out of my truck, I'd be a happy guy.
It could be a long winter.
*Nares Test: the act of inhaling deeply through your nose while outside; if your nostrils stick together, it is stupid cold.
The temperature this morning on my trusty Springfield PreciseTemp was something like -15* F, although it hardly matters. Once it is below zero, anything more is just a number to make it even more stupid than it already is.
I cannot imagine where she gets that from.
All dolled up and somewhere to go. Think she's excited? Second grade Christmas program, 12-5-13. |
With my little troupe there is always a story. And last night was no exception.
The Boy made himself comfortable by sitting in my lap. Before long, we noticed he wasn't acting himself. In fact, he was ghastly pale.
"Are you okay?" the Wife asked the Boy.
The belch came first, followed by eggnog-looking stomach contents projecting from the Boy's oral cavity.
Quick as a flash, the Wife slapped a hand over his mouth and dashed away, dashed away, dashed away to the bathroom... Boy under arm, and vomitus dripping like a melting icicle.
O, holy night.
Thirty minutes later the Wife reappeared with a still-pale looking Boy. The program was over and we quickly exited, stage left. We even had to skip Santa, who made an appearance in the cafeteria after the show.
Total, complete buzzkill.
Little brothers.
The sad news is the Wife missed most of the program. The good news is the Boy made a very quick recovery, ate a big breakfast this morning and acts as if nothing happened today.
The coats are washed (he puked on them). The gloves and hats are washed (he also puked on them). And the car seat cover is washed (he puked on the way home, too).
Now if I could just get the acrid stench of barf out of my truck, I'd be a happy guy.
It could be a long winter.
*Nares Test: the act of inhaling deeply through your nose while outside; if your nostrils stick together, it is stupid cold.