A Response from Fran Tarkenton?! Are You Kidding Me???

So I checked my Twitter feed today and I almost fainted. Even my dad would have gotten a chuckle out of this. A couple of days ago, Michael Vick opened his mouth and proclaimed he revolutionized the game as a running quarterback. As a lifelong Vikings fan, I know (and anyone who understands football knows) that Hall of Fame quarterback Fran Tarkenton revolutionized the game. (It also happens that I follow Mr. Tarkenton on Twitter.) Sunday Night Football (their handle is "SNFonNBC") posted Vick's comments on Twitter this weekend, so I responded to it: This morning, I received this message in my Notifications feed: Yes, this is 100% legitimate. It's really him (just go to Twitter, search Fran Tarkenton and you'll see the message posted there). My dad is looking down and smiling right now. He loved Fran Tarkenton. And I'm giddy as a school girl. What a great way to start my week!