Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my pops.  He's been gone for 17 years, but it seems like just yesterday.  

I'm glad that I still remember his voice and I'm thankful for all the letters he wrote to me.  There are times I visit with him through those letters when I need advice.

My dad on December 31, 1985 at a VFW somewhere in Minnesota.  I was playing a New Year's Eve gig that night.   Judging by the bottles of Schmidt, Howard's got a good start on the evening!

Such a shame you had to go
So much more that I'd like to know
So many things you forgot to show me how to do...

I got two kids of my own now
They grow up so fast and how
I wish you did not miss that part of who I am...

But I keep doing all that I can do
And I smile when they ask about you
I will sing to them every day
With voice and the words that you used to say...

--"Always Remember" by Train

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