Oh, Give Me a Home...

I'm a bit sporadic at updating my little space in cyberland here.  That's what happens with kids and a job.  Thankfully, you haven't missed much if you don't visit here often.

I opened an account on a new site called This Life, which is maintained by Shutterfly, and I'm really liking it.  It sort of works like Drop Box; all of our photos on our devices automatically upload to our This Life account and all of the pictures on our lap top automatically upload to the site as well.

But what I really like about This Life, as compared to Drop Box, is the site magically organizes your photos by date and it has a facial recognition program which organizes your photos by people as well.  It is kind of cool and creepy all at the same time.  It's bizarre how it can recognize the Boy as a baby and as a five year old.

I don't know how it works, but it works.  Yet it makes me wonder what kind of technology is out there that we don't know about?  It's probably better we don't know.

Anyway, the reason why I mention this is because I'm going to try to use This Life as my main link to display pictures here on my blog.  This is my first attempt, so we'll see how it works:

Yes, there is a funny story behind the sad face of this newly-shaved-head-because-it's-spring boy.

Last Monday, the Boy brought home a school art project.  He made a little lamb out of construction paper and cotton balls.  Little Lamb had clothes pins for legs so it could stand up.  Very cute.

On Tuesday, I left Little Lamb standing on the kitchen table while I went to pick up the Tax Deductions from school.

When we returned home, these two morons...

...had absolutely devoured every single cotton-y bite of Little Lamb, except for the clothes pins, which the Boy is sadly holding in the first photo.

Some times I'm tempted to leave a video camera recording when I leave the house just to see how these two work together to get into some of the trouble they've seen.



Last Saturday we traveled to the metropolis of Verndale to see my sister-in-law and niece in their horse show.  The Boy and Girl thought it was awesome to get up-close and personal with the horses.

The Girl, my aspiring veterinarian, was quick to jump in and help her cousin feed the horses...
The Girl (left) and her cousin, Eliza, carry an armful of hay to the horses.
Watching the barrel races, which was pretty cool!
The day ended with a visit to the tack shop and a (rather unexpected) purchase of two pairs of cowboy boots (authentic boots, mind you), which were worn with pride to school on Monday morning...
Striking the cowboy boot pose on Monday morning.  Unfortunately, it was early and I wasn't paying attention to the awful lighting conditions.

It was a fun day, but exhausting.  After a visit to grandma and grandpa and a Stampede pizza from Pizza Ranch, one cowboy was bushed...

Catching forty winks and dreaming of home, home on the range.

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