The first day of spring...

I'm enjoying the first day of spring doing a couple of my favorite things...

Catching up on some reading with a cup of extra strong Peaberry coffee from Costa Rica (thanks Scott and Ann!) and savoring a fine cigar from the Dominican Republic, while chilling (literally) in the crisp Minnesota sunshine.

My dad used to tell me I was named after Sammy Kaye. I never really knew if he was kidding me but it is interesting to learn more about the big band leader whose namesake I may (or may not) be.

I found this little treasure while browsing my favorite used book store (if you're in the Brainerd Lakes Area, check out Emily's Used Books right next to BIR. You won't be disappointed). It was published in 1967 and it is simply oozing with information. The author (George T. Simon) wrote for Metronome  magazine; he had an encyclopedic knowledge of the big band era. Simon passed away in 2001, but what a gift he left us. A wonderful read!

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