First World Problems and Flag Football

I could categorize this weekend as "first world problems" for myself. Petty stuff, I know, considering some people don't know where their next meal is coming from or don't have clean water to drink.

Still, they're my problems.

It started last night when I tripped walking up the steps while carrying my iPad (yes, I was still sober at this point). My left forearm hit the stairs and my right hand (with iPad) reached out to break my fall. Somehow the iPad still works, but the case didn't fare so well. I almost had my excuse to get a new iPad since mine is old and S-L-O-W. Maybe better luck next time.

Also, yesterday I solidified my reputation as a wold class computer-illiterate moron. 

I wanted to update my Mac with the new Sierra operating system. I decided to back up my iTunes data via external hard drive (good idea, Sam). It had been five years since I backed up anything (yes, five years) and I could not remember how to do it. I went to the Apple web site and followed the instructions to the letter...

I eventually figured it out (and I jotted down a few notes, which I will inevitably lose, but I try), unfortunately somewhere along the line I managed to wipe out nearly all of my iTunes songs and every single playlist. Out of 4,500 songs, I had 15 left. No idea what I did.

The good news is I simply imported the songs again from my iTunes folder, really not that big of a deal, but all of my playlists -- dozens of playlists representing hundreds of hours of work -- gone. Poof!

And I still don't know what the hell I did or how the hell I did it.

So it's back to the drawing board. The only positive spin is I am now weeding out all of the duplicate files/songs I have on iTunes. There are plenty. Once again, I don't know how the duplicates got there, but there they are.

But I will no longer bore you with my technological woes. All will be fine. I truly am a bull moose in a china shop when it comes to computers.


Today, a misty, cloudy day, was the Boy's first flag football game. He was so excited to hit the field. His team is called the Broncos, thank goodness. If it had been the Packers, I would have had to pull him out of the program and demand my money back. So all is good.

I posted the above collage in my Instagram account about a month ago. The Boy decided he needed to practice for flag football after we signed him up. Those are my old football pants he's wearing. These are among my favorite photos of him; just out in the front yard by himself practicing. He even brought a towel to wipe the sweat away because that's what "real" football players do.

Ready for the day!
I do have to say gathering a group of seven year-old boys together to play flag football is the very definition of "goat rodeo." But they learned a few basics and burned some energy. Most of all, they are learning good sportsmanship and they had fun.

The Boy is far right in white. He's by far the tallest kid on his team. He's going to be big just like his old man.

Also this summer, the Boy met his goal of reading over 2,000 minutes. If anyone doubts reading is important, I can testify to the fact that his vocabulary, spelling, sight words and even his speech have improved twenty-fold compared to last year at this time. Best of all (for him, at least!) he got a medal for reading over 33 hours this summer.

Meanwhile, in a completely unrelated subject... the Girl is now also specializing in desserts... lucky me!

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