My Pet Peeve

My "favorite" time of year is approaching. No, I'm not talking about the election, although heaven knows I will be glad when it's over. I'm not talking about Halloween. I'm talking, of course, about the nominations for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This is truly my pet peeve. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame makes me crazy. I've been critical of it for years because it is simply not done right. While the pretentious nominations committee have recently allowed fans a token online vote, in the end the committee will nominate who they darn well please. In short, the nomination process is controlled by a small number of individuals -- most of them frustrated journalists -- who allow their own personal tastes and the smell of their own farts to get in the way of blatantly obvious choices. For years I screamed at the Hall for their refusal to even place KISS on the nomination ballot. Forget the fact that no other American band has sold more gold rec...