They Don't Care About Us

A chilly October morning. Fresh coffee is brewing. I have the day off. Here's what is on my mind today.

The presidential election is less than a month away and it can't come soon enough. I can barely bring myself to look at social media right now. Almost everything is politically charged; one person argues Clinton is horrible while another counters Trump is awful. Both sides are convinced their candidate can do no evil while the other is Lucifer incarnate.

Friends are getting upset with friends, brothers are fighting with sisters. Can we just stop?

Here's they way I look at it, and be mindful I claim to be neither Republican nor Democrat; in fact, I think a huge problem with American politics is the two party system (I will get to this later). This is a complicated nation; it is a melting pot of many religions, races, creeds and philosophies. I don't think we can be dumbed down to a simple two party system any longer. It's not the 1820's anymore.

I am also not a Rhodes scholar. I'm not a political scientist and I've never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the Christmas tree. But this is how I see this election:

Both candidates are embarrassing. Neither are good, decent people. In fact, most politicians aren't.

Hillary Clinton has probably slit more throats (in some cases literally) on her way to the presidential nomination than any other politician in U.S. history. She's bulldozed her way to the top without a single damn being given of the consequences. She's dishonest, spiteful and a hypocrite.

Meanwhile, Trump is less a politician and more of a businessman. He's shady. He's a predator. He's the definition of a creep. Why anyone in the Republican party thought he'd be the best candidate for President of the United States is beyond me. But money is power*. Unfortunately for the GOP, they've made their bed.

When we look back on this election, I am guessing the death rattle of the Trump campaign came when the Billy Bush tape was released, where Trump was bragging about trying to seduce a married woman, "I tried to fuck her..." (his quote, not mine). Regarding women, he claimed he can "grab 'em by the pussy," because he's "a star, they let you do that" (again, his quote, not mine).

Trump says he will continue to talk about Bill Clinton's infidelities if more tapes are leaked (which tells me there is more). I'm not sure why, though. I'm guessing Hillary Clinton couldn't care less about Bill's sex life at this point.

This was all dirty pool, however, because you know darn well these tapes were leaked by the Clinton campaign. In an odd twist, Billy Bush is an extended member of the Bush family. Both George Bush and George W. Bush have refused to endorse Trump's nomination, even though they are members of the same political party. As Arte Johnson used to say, "Verrrry interesting."

What bothered me is how Trump supporters responded to this latest controversy.

Trump apologists say, "but this happened 11 years ago!", as if Trump was still immature then (he was 59 years old) and he's all grown up now.

It was quickly pointed out that Bill Clinton did exactly the same thing while in the Oval Office (and before... and probably after) and Trump defenders say that Clinton was unfit to serve as President of the United States.

They are absolutely correct.

Here's the double standard: both of these pukes have the same pattern of predatory behavior, yet Trump is fit to serve as President, but Clinton was not?

Politics is a funny thing.

In the end, there are two massive problems with American politics and this is why it really does not matter who wins this presidential election:
  1. The two party system
  2. No term limits for members of Congress
You see, it will be politics as usual for the next four years. The graphic below illustrates my point. Click on it and look at it carefully. It names specific organizations and individuals. This is where the the decisions are made, decisions which effect you and me, in the unclean bowels of Washington D.C.

We the People need another choice. Don't simply give us choice A and choice B. Often, we are forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. Why should we settle for this? We need a viable choice C; a legitimate third party to rattle the complacent foundation of Washington D.C.

It's always been the same: politicians campaign and say what they need to say to get your vote.

We the People elect them and they go to Washington D.C. with their own agenda.

They reap the benefits of the highest bidding lobbyists. Said lobbyists then line that politician's coffer for the next election, and thus starts the cycle (because in politics, money is the lifeblood of any campaign*).

All the while, they enjoy free travel/amenities/healthcare on the People's dime and a pension that most Americans would give their right kidney for.

Don't believe me? These folks have made more than a career out of politics: John Conyers (52 years), Charles Rangel (46 years), Thad Cochran (44 years), Don Young (44 years), Patrick Leahy (41 years), Chuck Grassley (41 years), Ed Markey (40 years), Orrin Hatch (40 years), Barbara Mikulski (40 years), Richard Shelby (38 years), Jim Sensenbrenner (38 years).

All are still serving.

In fact, 77 members of Congress (57 in the House, 20 in the Senate -- look it up, I did) have been serving for at least 20 years. Familiarity breeds corruption. This is why it is always business as usual in D.C. This is why new ideas are frowned upon. This is why the game will never change.

And this is also why all of this mudslinging on social media is really a waste of everyone's time. Politicians do not care about you. You are a number. They only want your vote.

The only people who care about you are your family and your friends.

Be nice to them.

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