It's All You've Got

As this incredible election fades away in the rearview mirror, I feel I should mark time here. I know most people will stop reading right here because I mentioned "election," but there is something I feel I should say based on what I'm witnessing around me.

Social media has become a poisonous place, especially post-election. I am troubled that friendships are being destroyed and families have become divided over this election. Think about what we are doing to one another.

I know this is a Simple Simon idea, but there is one solitary truth that everyone should understand...

No one cares about you except your family and your friends. 

Believe it or not, Hillary Clinton really didn't give a damn about you. She wanted your vote. She had her own agenda.

Donald Trump doesn't give a damn about you. He wanted your vote. And he has his own agenda.

Yet, with limited time on planet earth, we are slashing each other's throats over two vile human beings who wanted just one thing: the most powerful office in the the world, the Presidency of the United States.

We should not be surprised of this violent post-election backlash. Both campaigns were founded on fear of the other candidate. Americans were pitted against one another. Both candidates were downright hateful to each other; it started at the top and trickled down to me and you. We should all take a moment to think about that.

We should be embarrassed.

The only way we can make this a better nation is to be better people. Be kind to each other. Be respectful to each other. We can agree to disagree; hate is not the answer. It starts with me and it starts with you.

I'm normally not a Polly Anna type, but there is no other option.

Believe it or not, the sun came up on November 9th. And you know what? Loved ones were still dying of cancer. Parents were still going through divorce. We still needed each other.

Friends and family: in the end, it's all you've got.

And that's all that really matters.

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