Fixing a hole
I mentioned that our camper has a hole in it on my last blog. Yes, a branch seems to have hit the top of our camper and did a swell job of impaling the top. I had the camper set up to winterize it, then it rained for a week (last week we got over three inches of rain). The branch must have hit it last week or the week before, because it was fine when I set it up.
I finally got out to the camper last Tuesday and discovered a spot in the ceiling where water had leaked in. I couldn't find a source for the leak, so I took the top down and BINGO, I found the culprit. A small piece of wood was imbedded in the top of the camper, obviously the remnants of a branch, about the size of a quarter. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but we reported it to the insurance company immediately and tarped the camper to prevent anymore damage in case it decides to rain again. State Farm is sending out an adjuster on Monday or Tuesday, then I have to get an estimate at a repair place. But I have to say that there are two good things about this (I learn from my ever-positive wife to always look on the bright side -- where would I be without her?!): First, the camper is fully insured. Second, we're not going camping anywhere soon, so the timing is right.
Time to get ready for work...
I finally got out to the camper last Tuesday and discovered a spot in the ceiling where water had leaked in. I couldn't find a source for the leak, so I took the top down and BINGO, I found the culprit. A small piece of wood was imbedded in the top of the camper, obviously the remnants of a branch, about the size of a quarter. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but we reported it to the insurance company immediately and tarped the camper to prevent anymore damage in case it decides to rain again. State Farm is sending out an adjuster on Monday or Tuesday, then I have to get an estimate at a repair place. But I have to say that there are two good things about this (I learn from my ever-positive wife to always look on the bright side -- where would I be without her?!): First, the camper is fully insured. Second, we're not going camping anywhere soon, so the timing is right.
Time to get ready for work...