The same old something new

I'm not sure what to expect here. I cancelled the subcription to my Geocities website today, after trying to keep the web site afloat for a couple years. I had problems with site functions working correctly and I just haven't had enough time to keep things updated.

I am a firm believer in that if you like to do something, you make time for it; but as it turns out, each time I tried to update things on the old web site, something wouldn't work right and I found myself thinking more and more... "why am I paying for this?" Plus, the thing I used the most was my blog... because I like writing... but I had a tendency to not post many blogs because I felt guilty everytime I logged onto my web site because I had been neglecting it -- blah, blah, blah. Maybe I am making excuses for closing down my web site, but it was $60 a year and I basically used one function over the past four months: the blog. This site is free. Not a tough decision, to tell the truth.

So I will write frequently, I have no doubt about that. I love to write. I welcome your comments and I hope you will log on frequently to see what is on my mind (that is, if you give a rip!). Elections are coming up in the next year, fires are burning out west, the World Series is on, the Bison beat the Gophers, Tarvaris Jackson is not the answer and my camper has a hole in it. Oh there's just so much to talk about. I am looking forward to this new venture.

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