As extraordinary as you are!

It is off to work in an hour or so. I sure wish I could talk about some of the things I see at work, but I can't. There's privacy laws and HIPPA rules and regulations and I would get canned faster than a blink of an eye if I said anything. However, I believe I can speak in generalities... so generally speaking, it would be so refreshing to hear just one person say, "You know, I have made some really bad choices in my life, and because of that, my life is really screwed up. It isn't my parents' fault, it isn't my church's fault, it isn't society's fault. I am just a stupid asshole. I will take total accountability for the situation I am in and it is up to me to figure out how to correct the mistakes I've made." Aaaaaah, now that is as refreshing as a spring shower. I would like to hear that. Just one time.

I saw a commercial on t.v. today which really struck me as humiliating. It was a Tampax commercial and their slogan is "As extraordinary as you are!" Are you kidding me? If I were a woman, I would be pretty pissed off about that. Here I am, an independent, educated woman, who has had children, raised a family and have a career all of my own and you, Tampax, are telling me that your rounded-tipped, plastic applicator tampons are extraordinary as I am? Isn't that going just a little overboard? I appreciate enthusiasm, but pah-leeez.

It looks as though Hillary is going to win the Michigan primary. I haven't said much about the Presidential elections here yet, but I've been keeping an eye on the happenings. Actually, I truly do think it is a very real possibility that Clinton will win the Democratic nomination for president. You see, I read that Clinton has hired James Carville to run her campaign now... the very same James Carville who ran Bill Clinton's come-from-behind '92 presidential campaign. The very same James Carville who was able to convince the American public that Gennifer Flowers was a liar, that Bill's penis was safe at home... and, after all, "It's the economy, stupid" that really mattered. A few years later, I became convinced that Gennifer Flowers was telling the truth after the Monica Lewinsky fiasco. But the whole point is that James Carville is damn good and he's got a proven track record. Heck, we are already seeing the results. It was a shrewd move by a shrewd politician.

But ultimately, I don't think it really matters who is elected the next president. Everyone calls for change, and they tell you exactly what you want to hear to get your vote. Once they are in office, they have their own agenda. It is the ultimate form of "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am." Politicians have been doing it since, oh, 1789.

Beth is watching her favorite t.v. show, "Boston Legal." I actually do think it is a cleverly written show, even though I don't get into network television too much. I have to give William Shatner credit, he has had a hell of a career.

I guess that's all for now.

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