I approve this message

Yes, we will all be hearing a lot more of that quote very soon. "I'm Randy Moss, I'm running for Senate, and I approve this message." I know that candidates are required to say that little bit of information, but I still think it is ridiculous. You damn well better approve of your own message, you doofus. Wouldn't it be just refreshing if you heard a candidate say "I'm Randy Moss, I'm running for Senate, and who am I kidding? I don't approve this message. I won't change status quo. I'm here for the perks." I would vote for that candidate, because I like honesty. I think that's better than someone lying to you just to get your vote.

We are definitely a country steeped in double standards. Don Imus lost his job after referring to the Rutgers women's basketball team as a "bunch of nappy headed ho's." Yet Kelly Tilgham, a Golf channel anchor who happens to be an attractive white woman, made a recent comment that Tiger Woods' competition should "lynch him in a back alley" while on the air. She was suspended two weeks. She didn't lose her job. Why? Why the double standard? Is it because she is an attractive woman? Is it because it's not as offensive for a white woman to make a comment about a black man (actually, Woods is half black, half Vietnamese... so maybe her comment was half as racist and that's why she wasn't fired). Or maybe "ho" is more offensive than "lynch?" Does that sound ridiculous? It's about as ridiculous as one person getting fired for a racist comment and another getting a mere slap on the wrist.

I believe the U.S. Air Force read my last blog because they now came forward and said they "made a mistake" regarding the UFO sightings in Texas. They said originally there was no military activity in the Stephenville, TX, area the night there were mass UFO sightings, when more than 50 people reported a large object in the sky, "a mile long and a half mile wide." The USAF now says there were F-16 fighters training in the area and that's what all of these sightings were about. Now, I'm not sure what smells fishier: the military admitting it made a "mistake" (yes, that word was used in the press release) or dozens of people "mistaking" F-16 fighter planes for a single gigantic object in the sky. Now, I am not big on conspiracy theories, but I am thinking someone, somewhere got a call from Washington, D.C. I can't help but wonder that perhaps our government doesn't really want us to know what was buzzing around Texas.

I got my camper back today. It looks as good as new, but I won't know for sure if everything is working right until we take it for a "test drive" when we go camping for the first time this year. Camping seems like a long ways away right now. At 4 a.m., it was 23 degrees below zero. Good heavens! That is just unreasonable, dude. (I woke up at 4 a.m., but at least I was able to fall back asleep.)

I heard now Botox might have to carry a label warning after 16 people end up dying when the botulism bacteria entered their body. Gee, YA THINK?!?! Only in America will people willingly introduce a potentially fatal bacteria into their bodies in order to look younger.

I'm Sam Branstner, and I approve this message.

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