Catching Up

I haven't posted in a few days. Time just seems to march along. I am going on night #3 of 7, so I'm not quite to the halfway point yet. I guess you could say I'm on autopilot, just getting through the rest of this week.

We finally know for sure we are going to Duluth camping next weekend. We've been looking forward to it for months, but we weren't quite sure if we would really be able to go. However, Jon and Sara are coming from Bismarck to watch Ava Thursday through Sunday of next week, and Beth and I can't thank them enough. File this one under "We Owe You Big Time!" Best of all, I know that Beth will be able to relax and enjoy herself, because she knows Ava will be just fine. We've planned this with the Kampen family for a long time and it is basically our "summer vacation" even though we'll only be gone for three days. But I know we'll have a blast and we can't wait!

Jon (Stokes -- I know too many Jon's!) brought over a big load of river rock last night, which was left over from their landscaping project. He didn't want anything for it, so we will file that one under "We Owe You Big Time!" as well. We plan on re-doing our backyard this fall -- basically re-landscaping the entire thing and that will be a big project to undertake. Hopefully it will end up looking better than it does now; it can't look much worse.

Well, I got the Farm Fest invitations out by e-mail on Monday (it was Monday, right?). Hopefully the word will get out to folks who don't have e-mail addresses. It may be a bit less personal to send an e-mail invitation, but it is much less work for me and costs nothing, versus sending out invitations at 42 cents a piece and having the inevitable three or four returned each year. Now it comes down to me taking the time to start rehearsing the music. We are having our one and only full rehearsal on Saturday, August 9th out at the farm. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyboday again, playing some music and having a beer or two around the fire. Let's just hope it doesn't rain. Oh well, even if it does, we'll have fun anyway.

Time to go to work. Thought I would just update things. I suppose I'll post again later this week.

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