Happy Birthday, USA

It was 232 years ago today that the language of the Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress. Take note that it was not signed today. In fact, most delegates of Congress signed the document on August 2nd, which I suppose should be the actual day of national celebration, since that was when our forefathers risked their lives by the simple act of putting ink to paper. But the Second of August just doesn't have the same ring to it as the Fourth of July, does it?

I'm not doing a thing today. It is supposed to be my holiday off, but it isn't. I had last night off, my "official" holiday off, but there weren't many fireworks or parades or celebrations to enjoy yesterday. I did make a fire last night, and Beth and I sat around and enjoyed a couple hours of peace and quiet. But now it is back to work tonight, tomorrow and Sunday. Holiday weekends, especially in the summer, are awful at the hospital. And July 4th is the grandaddy of them all.

Not much going on. My life must be horrendously boring to a casual observer. I just don't live the "go! go! go!" life that most people do. I guess that qualifies me as being a lazy bum in our society. I suppose I am.

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