Oh no he didn't!
John McCain is either a genius or a fool. The next three months will tell the tale. He has selected, as his vice-presidential running mate, Sarah Palin. I imagine Mrs. Palin is scratching her head right now, saying to herself, "Like, oh my god you guys! Oh no he didn't! I mean, like, whatever. Like, this is totally weirding me out."
And all I've got to say is McCain has got fine taste in the ladies. Palin is one good lookin' broad. A 44 year-old MILF. She's got a degree in journalism, she's a former beauty queen, used to be a t.v. reporter, and somehow became the governor of Alaska (I assume her qualifications are right on par with Jesse Ventura's and Arnold Schwartzenegger's). I can't say I think she's qualified to lead the United States once McCain kicks the bucket, but who cares about any of that? Sarah Palin is one sexy beast, and McCain has got my vote for that very reason.
Any way you look at it, this will be the most historic presidential election in our history. We, as a people, will either elect the first hottie as vice president, or we will elect the first non-Caucasian as president. (Unlike the national media, I will not call Obama "black." His skin may be dark, but he is not black. He is half-black, half-white. Just like Tiger Woods is not "black." Our racist society insists on labeling people solely based on the color of their skin, and I will not stoop to that level).
So the fun is about to begin, and November will be pretty interesting -- a very historic moment in time here in the States.
(I bet Hillary is sooooo jealous.) catfight!
And to the people of the Gulf Coast (yes New Orleans, this includes you): A frickin' hurricane is bearing down on you. AGAIN. Remember the last one? Get the hell out NOW.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt; refusing to leave the first time was kind of understandable. After all, these were your homes and I can see how it would have been very difficult to leave. I can understand that. But now you know what happens when a category 5 hurricane hits. You don't stand a chance. Katrina wiped you out and Gustav is about to wipe you out again. You need to understand when you're beat. You can't win this one. Yes, there is such a thing as "the strength of the human spirit," but there is also such a thing as ignorance and stupidity, and that's the category you will fall into if you refuse to leave this time. I can't say I will feel sorry for anyone screaming in front of the television cameras "Help us! Nobody is here to help us!" once the Gulf Coast -- particularly New Orleans -- is decimated again. You have three or four days to leave, so be a little accountable for yourself, pack your shit and start moving. NOW!
These are interesting times, folks.
And all I've got to say is McCain has got fine taste in the ladies. Palin is one good lookin' broad. A 44 year-old MILF. She's got a degree in journalism, she's a former beauty queen, used to be a t.v. reporter, and somehow became the governor of Alaska (I assume her qualifications are right on par with Jesse Ventura's and Arnold Schwartzenegger's). I can't say I think she's qualified to lead the United States once McCain kicks the bucket, but who cares about any of that? Sarah Palin is one sexy beast, and McCain has got my vote for that very reason.
Any way you look at it, this will be the most historic presidential election in our history. We, as a people, will either elect the first hottie as vice president, or we will elect the first non-Caucasian as president. (Unlike the national media, I will not call Obama "black." His skin may be dark, but he is not black. He is half-black, half-white. Just like Tiger Woods is not "black." Our racist society insists on labeling people solely based on the color of their skin, and I will not stoop to that level).
So the fun is about to begin, and November will be pretty interesting -- a very historic moment in time here in the States.
(I bet Hillary is sooooo jealous.) catfight!
And to the people of the Gulf Coast (yes New Orleans, this includes you): A frickin' hurricane is bearing down on you. AGAIN. Remember the last one? Get the hell out NOW.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt; refusing to leave the first time was kind of understandable. After all, these were your homes and I can see how it would have been very difficult to leave. I can understand that. But now you know what happens when a category 5 hurricane hits. You don't stand a chance. Katrina wiped you out and Gustav is about to wipe you out again. You need to understand when you're beat. You can't win this one. Yes, there is such a thing as "the strength of the human spirit," but there is also such a thing as ignorance and stupidity, and that's the category you will fall into if you refuse to leave this time. I can't say I will feel sorry for anyone screaming in front of the television cameras "Help us! Nobody is here to help us!" once the Gulf Coast -- particularly New Orleans -- is decimated again. You have three or four days to leave, so be a little accountable for yourself, pack your shit and start moving. NOW!
These are interesting times, folks.