A Sad Day

It was a sad day yesterday, learning of the death of my cousin, Dennis Buker. He passed away after cancer overwhelmed him, taken far too young. He fought hard, but in the end this goddamn disease took another good, decent human being.

I initially had some reservations about having Farm Fest after hearing about his death -- after all, if will come just 17 days after his passing -- but after sleeping on it, it occurred to me that the best thing we can do is keep it right on schedule. Heck, Dennis and Kathy were always at Farm Fest and always had a great time. I sure hope Kathy can make it this year. We will definitely understand if she can't, but I think it would be good for the soul if she can be there. After all this sadness and pain, we all need a reason to smile and enjoy the gift of being together, because that's what it really is -- a gift. And that gift should never be taken for granted.

So this year's Farm Fest is going to be special. I think we all feel that we have a common cause this year, which is to help out the Buker family. I know Kathy would never ask for help, but I am sure there are many bills that need to be paid, and nobody should have to face that alone. That's when family and friends need to step in and do the right thing. For us, the right thing to do is what we do best: put on a big shindig, play some music and raise a little cash. We have a few plans in the works and I think it is going to be a great night. I hope everyone reading this will be there.

I know that Dennis will be there in spirit and he would want us to celebrate this Farm Fest... and we are going to do our best, all in his memory.

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