Failin' with Palin
As you can see, I've taken a renewed interest in the presidential race, mainly because it is now just a month away. The end is in sight and this whole drama will come to an end soon. The mud is starting to sling and I am still on the fence between the two candidates. I can say, though, that my decision will come down to three factors. I will vote for the campaign which:
- Launches the least amount of personal attacks on their opponent. This is a waste of time and energy, and accomplishes nothing. Personal integrity is a must.
- Spends the least amount of time telling me why their opponent is wrong on an issue. It's easy to point a finger at someone else.
- Is able to provide specific models, plans and proposals on how they will correct what's wrong with this country. Tell me what you are going to do.
Before I get started, you should know that I am not Pro-Obama or Pro-McCain at this point. I am simply Joe Q. Citizen trying to decide who to vote for.
Having said that, I believe Sarah Palin should be ashamed of herself.
In a speech today in Colorado, she brought the McCain campaign to a new low, stating that Barack Obama is a "pal" of terrorists.
This is in specific reference to Obama's relationship with anti-Vietnam war radical Bill Ayers, who, in the early 1970's, was convicted of planting several bombs in Washington D.C. and enticing riots.
Um, Sarah? Do a little frickin' research before you start spouting off, would ya?
For starters, it's worth mentioning that Ayers was leading his "social revolution" when Obama was eight years old.
The two now live in the same neighborhood, and they served together on a charity board for three years, but no one, including Obama and Ayers, has claimed the two are more than casual acquaintances.
Let's dig a little deeper.
Ayers served jail time for his actions and now holds the title of Distinguished Professor, teaching at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Education.
Some terrorist. I am willing to bet Sarah Palin doesn't even know this information.
As I learned in college, when you do proper research, you should go to the primary source. To learn more about Bill Ayers, go to the primary source, Bill Ayers himself. Click here to go to his personal blog.
Furthermore, this all must be put into context. The 1960's were a time of change and upheaval. Even the President of the United States was exposed in a cover-up of conspiracy and illegal activities. The President eventually resigned his office ...and -- oh my God, Sarah -- he was a REPUBLICAN!!
Using Palin's own argument, this means she, a Republican, is also guilty of conspiracy and illegal activities, right?
Indeed, Palin should be ashamed of herself.
First, this smacks of McCarthyism of the 1950's, spearheaded by Wisconsin senator Joe McCarthy, in which he accused most of Washington and Hollywood as being communist. Yesterday's communist is today's terrorist, and it seems to me that Palin is trying to drum up hysteria among voters: Do we want a terrorist in the White House?
Second, when Palin announced that her teenage daughter was pregnant, Obama had the opportunity of a lifetime to hack her to pieces. And I praised him on this very blog when he chose not to; he maintained his integrity, stating, "Certain things are off-limits. Family is one of those things."
Instead of returning the gesture, Palin is flapping her trout lips about Obama's "terrorist" connections.
For me, personal integrity goes a long way in this election. I think John McCain has an enormous amount of integrity, but this glorified housewife he picked as a running mate probably couldn't even spell the word.
McCain needs to order his campaign managers to stop spoon-feeding this ditz false information before she derails his entire campaign.
Just think, Palin would be just one heartbeat away from the Oval Office.
Just something to ponder.