Labatt Blue: The Liquid Problem Solver
I've been blogging like a madman lately. It's good therapy for me.
Time for more therapy.
So I've been chewing on this for the last 24 hours... a new roof? That just doesn't sound right to me. My house is only 12 years old. I found one small leak, a presumed leak at that. And this equals a new roof? Howard and Phyllis did not raise a fool. Something just isn't right with this picture. In the back of my mind, I keep thinking that a contractor is going to tell me I need a new roof no matter what, especially if an insurance adjuster is not in the picture. Could this be the case?
I am at a huge disadvantage here, because I am completely clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff. The only advantage I have is what's between my ears, and needing a new roof just doesn't sound right.
Another red flag: The contractor who was here yesterday answered his phone right away, and was at our place about an hour after the call. While I appreciate his promptness, it also tells me business is obviously slow. Buyer beware.
The good news is we finally got hold of a contractor who did some work for Jon and Charlotte, and they highly recommended him -- they said he's reliable and honest. He's coming out some time this week to check things out. Now, if he says I need a new roof, I might start believing it. I know I need new shingles, that's a given. So we'll see.
This is pretty boring, isn't it?
Beth went to an inservice last night and on her way home she picked up some Labatt Blue, a very good imported Canadian pilsner. We had a bottle and watched t.v. Then we had another bottle. Then another. And another. And another. A 12 pack of Labatt Blue and a bottle of Helga's Red later (a full-bodied red wine which packs a rather, um, robust punch), Beth was ready to start calling everyone at 2 a.m. (probably you), just to let you know she loves you. Luckily for you, I talked her out of it!
But we had a great time, just sitting and drinking beer, talking and laughing. It felt like we were in college again, and for a few hours we forgot about all of the crap that's been happening over the last couple of weeks. And the best part? After all this time, I can honestly say I still really like my wife.
So we lacked on sleep today, but by golly, it was well worth it.
Labatt Blue: Our liquid problem solver.

Time for more therapy.
So I've been chewing on this for the last 24 hours... a new roof? That just doesn't sound right to me. My house is only 12 years old. I found one small leak, a presumed leak at that. And this equals a new roof? Howard and Phyllis did not raise a fool. Something just isn't right with this picture. In the back of my mind, I keep thinking that a contractor is going to tell me I need a new roof no matter what, especially if an insurance adjuster is not in the picture. Could this be the case?
I am at a huge disadvantage here, because I am completely clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff. The only advantage I have is what's between my ears, and needing a new roof just doesn't sound right.
Another red flag: The contractor who was here yesterday answered his phone right away, and was at our place about an hour after the call. While I appreciate his promptness, it also tells me business is obviously slow. Buyer beware.
The good news is we finally got hold of a contractor who did some work for Jon and Charlotte, and they highly recommended him -- they said he's reliable and honest. He's coming out some time this week to check things out. Now, if he says I need a new roof, I might start believing it. I know I need new shingles, that's a given. So we'll see.
This is pretty boring, isn't it?
Beth went to an inservice last night and on her way home she picked up some Labatt Blue, a very good imported Canadian pilsner. We had a bottle and watched t.v. Then we had another bottle. Then another. And another. And another. A 12 pack of Labatt Blue and a bottle of Helga's Red later (a full-bodied red wine which packs a rather, um, robust punch), Beth was ready to start calling everyone at 2 a.m. (probably you), just to let you know she loves you. Luckily for you, I talked her out of it!
But we had a great time, just sitting and drinking beer, talking and laughing. It felt like we were in college again, and for a few hours we forgot about all of the crap that's been happening over the last couple of weeks. And the best part? After all this time, I can honestly say I still really like my wife.
So we lacked on sleep today, but by golly, it was well worth it.
Labatt Blue: Our liquid problem solver.