The Day the Music Died

Yep, 50 years ago today the music died. Buddy Holly, the "Big Bopper" and Richie Valens all died in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, on this date in 1959. Holly was just 22 years old. He accomplished so much in so little time. Makes you wonder how many songs were left to be written; songs we'll never hear. Man, what a tragedy.
Yesterday was Groundhog's Day. I didn't even hear if he saw his shadow or not. It was -15 degrees this morning, so I don't think spring is coming any time soon no matter what some nasty little rodent thinks.
I did learn that groundhogs are the same thing as woodchucks. My dad hated woodchucks. He would shoot 'em on sight. He said they carried diseases and he didn't want them on our property. This made me a little nervous because I figured I carried diseases too, going to school and being exposed to all sorts of sneezes and sniffles and what not. I know I brought home chicken pox once. I wonder if Dad thought about shooting me? Ya never know.
Not a whole lot going on here. We watched Blades of Glory last night. Another mindless Will Ferrell movie, but it was funny. I always enjoy Will Ferrell movies. Sometimes you just need a movie to laugh at, something you don't need to think about. This movie fit the bill perfectly.
Good heavens, I just heard the forecast for tonight and it is supposed to be -20 again. Alright, that's enough already.
ENOUGH, I say... for Pete's sake.
Life at home...

Grace, the most patient dog in the world. All she wants is a nap. Do you mind?
Martha can't walk very well anymore, but she's still a ham.